Thursday, November 14, 2013

Where does time go? Into the baby's mouth!

I'm scared for when she is mobile, because everything goes straight to the mouth! We love this little girl and fear we will lose her every day. When people say this process is an emotional rollercoaster, do not underestimate those words. We are only a few weeks in and they have been the hardest of my life. 

A few things we've learned about the system. Visits are hard. You will go at the specified time and will likely see the bio parents in the same waiting room until the social worker comes out. This is tough, they will not leave you or the baby alone and will repeatedly tell you they are getting their child back. Prepare yourself as much as possible. Also prepare to lose it as soon as you leave the building. The first visit or two I did nothing but cry in my car during that time. It is beyond rough. 

Your foster child will qualify for all sorts of things, Medi-Cal, WIC, mental health services. Use them. for Medi-Cal it is pretty simple, just find a location that takes it and make an appointment. No co-pays, just show up. Be advised care is not the best, but they do an okay job. We've also been told pedialyte makes suckers that are awesome for right after shots to help distract the poor screaming children. 

WIC is complicated. You will need to make an appointment at a WIC center, your medical provider may have their own office for such things. At this, bring the child's immunization record, ID and the paper that states you are the caretaker for the child (the agreement with DHS). Also bring your ID and be prepared to fill out some questionnaires  Also bring the baby as they will want her weighted and measured. This will take about an hour. After that you'll get your checks and can use them at nearly any grocery store or walmart. Each month you'll need to make an appointment to get your checks. They will be specific to whatever formula your baby uses until they get old enough (6 mos) to eat food then you'll get fruit and other foods as well. 

As far as the being a new mother to a child who isn't fresh out of the womb (or might be). Prepare yourself! Raising a baby is not easy. Keep stock of diapers and wipes. If you aren't sure on size, base it on their weight and go for the bigger one. If you get to small it will cut into their legs and be very uncomfortable. Also keep TONS of powder around. A bit of powder every change will go a long way to preventing a rash should you not get to the diaper change immediately. We like the Baby Anti-Monkey Butt Powder, but there are plenty out there that are just as effective. 

Invest in a swing!!! This thing will help her sleep and save your sanity. You may be strong, but after awhile arms get tired and since you may not be sleeping, a swing to soothe her to sleep will help everyone in your house stay a bit more sane. Trust me, it is worth the money (although if you can get it donated by a friend or used somewhere, that is even better!). I suggest one with sounds. 

Normal "burp cloths" are a joke. Don't waste your money. Buy plain ol' cloth diapers. These are great for absorbing whatever spit up comes your way. 

Get a floor mat, babies need floor time and tummy time. This will keep them from being bored while they are down there developing muscle strength. Also don't give them tummy time until at least 30-60 minutes after feeding, but they should get time from day 1. Build this into your schedule. We many times will just flip her over on the changing pad right after a change. She is higher up and can see us better and will stay there longer building those muscles. 

Get a diaper bag that could double as a large purse or a large purse that can double as a diaper bag. In no world will you want or be able to carry both. Get one that can handle both tasks and you'll be good to go. Getting one that has stroller straps is even smarter. 

Pick up some Gripe water. This helps greatly with tummy upsets and gasiness. We have our girl on Prosobee soy formula which should be VERY gentle, and she still gets uncomfortable at times. 

Last of all for the moment. Google is your friend. You will have questions that seem dumb or crazy or just strange. Google it, it knows all! 

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