Monday, October 14, 2013

Officially Waiting

Patience. I imagine that is a skill that is highly needed by parents and perhaps part of why this process is the way it is. But man, is it tough! We have our official license in the mail saying we are licensed through the county DHS. We haven't heard anything on the home study front, but are under the impression all is well, and regardless that doesn't affect a placement. 

But man, I am now completely glued to my phone and have a mild heart attack every time it rings with a number not tied to a contact! HAHA My poor coworkers are on pins and needles with me. I know it can be (and probably will be) months and months before we get a call, but I can't stop hoping it isn't. That it will be today or tomorrow or soon. 

I think there are many ways adoption/foster is easier than natural childbirth and plenty of ways it is harder. Technically it could be faster, but that isn't in your favor (as of today we are at 5 months). Certainly it is less painful (at least for the pregnant one). Way more work and invasions of privacy by the government and random social workers, etc. More rules. And just more unknowns I think. 

You could argue that while you may assume certain milestones and processes about pregnancy and childbirth, everyone is different and anything can happen. I won't disagree. However, with this there is no real timeline. And you could get the child and then lose it just as quickly (or more painfully, less quickly) which is of lower risk if you bore the child. 

I'm not sure why I'm even debating it. The natural option isn't much of an option for us. This is where we're at and we just get to take it as it comes. So, I am TRYING to be patient and wait on God's timing, but it certainly isn't easy. Just waiting for the phone to ring...

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